Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Moving to shabik

This blog is shutting down... we're moving to ....

Shabik! where the real washabik celebrate soccer.

No that's actually a hoax :)

the more the blogs the merrier..


De' Stefano said...
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De' Stefano said...

Hehehe!! For a momemnt I almost fell for that naughty joke of yours. Not a bad idea though, in this age and time of 'Grand Coalitions'(ala the Kibaki-Raila/ Mugabe-Tsvangirai way). Come to think of it, we could really consider this...Gotcha! Nope,am just pulling your leg dude. N'way, I just wanted to check whether the grass is really green on the other side of the fence. I'll be paying more visits in future (if am welcome, that is).
