On Sunday we will have a clash which will probably be very vital to weigh Professor's sentiments about the title. No doubt it will be important to win against ManYoo at Emirates given that they have bragged so much about breaking records. ManYoo spoiled our unbeaten run on 25th October 2004 and they gave Chelski a beating after along period without a beating not long than gunners offcourse but the second best Run. We will need to be at our best to beat them but now the question is, will we miss Gilberto, and why? Did Styles *mess* us up or Gilberto Did. To me it its not necessary to blame Styles given the way Gilberto reacted and just infront of the ref. At the same time giving Savage a red card too would have been of no use because Gilberto would have gotten it before Savage anyway. Am simply saying that Gilberto *messed* up knowing how how his presence will be required in the Midfield.
The Brazillian World cup winner is generally very cool and Savage with his experience of receiving Red cards knew exactly how to provoke him. Though he pleaded with the referee as it was argued, that is not important because there is nothing you can do when the referee's left hand is in the pocket. What am there fore saying is that Gilberto should have seen it coming because no doubt he did not react as a result of pain but provocation from Savage.
If he stayed calm and remained a gentleman as always, ManYoo for sure would not have Indicated that they will be 9 points if Chelski is beaten By Pool. This might be positive though because they must be saying, "Their Mid field rock is not there" without knowing the Ruthless "Ray Palour"(Mattheu) will be out to prove a point. Wenger must be ready now though no doubt absence of Gilberto must have made him spend some sleepless nights. But as usual someone in training must be doing something extra-ordinary so we might not miss him also. I will support the manager irrigardless of who will be the Anchor man against ManYoo...If we happen to miss Gilberto, then I won't blame Rob Styles but Gilberto though as always will support a gunner.....
every cloud has A SILVA lining.. i guess the goonerics wil have to make do without it this time around.All the best!
Actually Savage does not have exerience of receivning red cards. I believe he has only one, his whole career.
Emmo, the fact is that he has received 3 red cards and 77 yellow cards so far. Welcome aboad....
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